Monday 5 August 2013

I'm waiting the proof copies of The Crossing Place and Other Stories. I found it best to get the CreateSpace paper copy ready to go before trying to put it on Kindle, that way both versions would be ready at roughly the same time.  Postage for CreateSpace is slow as it's coming from the US. I gave Crossing Place to a friend to read and she said she was scared to be alone in the house at night after finishing it - I didn't think it was scary.  It is a ghost story but is not intended to be scary- it's about a good ghost.  but at least it got to her. 

In the meantime I have been writing a kids' book- the Leprechaun's Tale.  My test audiences have told me it's the best I've done yet, so that's encouraging.  I'd hope I would be improving with practice.  

Another book is all ready in the pipeline.  Boy16 about a teenager growing up gay in a Welsh village.  All I have to do is get the text into format for Kindle and CreateSpace and the cover finished by my friend in Seattle.  

I've no idea how to market any of this.  Writing in lots of different genres creates a problem for me as I have to explore the market for each type of writing. Being a typical introverted writer-type I don't enjoy all that. But I just write what moves me, I don't want to limit myself to just one genre if I get and idea for something different. 

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